ANTONIO BEL PACHECO – Associate of GIPE nº 3499
Registry of real estate agents of Catalonia (AICAT) nº 1847
SIMCAT XXI is a company that was born with the illusion of advising by offering all real estate management and brokerage services with the utmost seriousness, efficiency and speed.
Reasons to trust SIMCAT XXI SL
The entire team is specialized in commercial real estate management, we continually recycle ourselves in order to better serve clients.
We listen and look for what you ask of us, so that you can easily decide, we take care of all the work.
We are helping people in real estate services since 2000, with our experience we know how to adapt to the needs of our clients, to find them the desired property.
Our management is based on total transparency, in which all the steps to be followed are explained clearly, sincerely and efficiently, with the client in mind, so that they do not have unexpected surprises.
Continuously improving the website and updating the programs, so that you can have all the information and reach the desired objective, be it rent, buy or sell.
The client
During these fourteen years, our commitment is that we are known for our way of doing and with this, we have managed to get the client to repeat and recommend us to his family and friends.